terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013


Well, after the (surprinsingly) quick discovery of Mathews' WoGE#419 (and the association with the breeding migration of the local Black Land Crabs - that's my biology side talking) here's the next challenge:

I've tought this location some time ago, but I considered it hard but now, that (almost) everyone has (a spare) time to play, I think it's time for it! :)

So ... for you, new players to Where on (Google) Earth, simply post a comment with latitude and longitude and write something about the geology in the picture. If you're the first, you get to host the next one. Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.

Published at 2013-12-31/00:00:00 (WET)

Here's hint #2:

 RePublished at 2014-01-11/00:55:00 (WET)

sexta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2013

WoGE #407

After (almost) giving up (thinking in the million Pacific islands) of #406 I noticed the small island in the lake on an island (in the lake on an island in the ocean) and remembered - Islandception. (Later, I searched GoogleImages and, there it was ...)

Veidos brought us a shallow volcano, so ... let's climb to #407! ;)

This is not classic, is, more likely, a breakthrough!

So ... for you, new players to Where on (Google) Earth, simply post a comment with latitude and longitude and write something about the geology in the picture. If you're the first, you get to host the next one.

Now, that I know a little bit more of the clues/hints/tricks of the game I consider this one (snow and a lot of green) a bit easy, so ...  I'll give rookies a chance - I invoke Schott's Rule: former winners have to wait 1 hour for each WoGE they got right.

Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.

Published at 2013-11-01/00:00:00 (WET)

terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2013

WOGE #404

After a (big) help from Google I manage to find the "Complejo Minero Fabril de Sierra Pintada", an uranium mine near San Rafael, Argentina, Ole's challenge!

Well, #404 now!

For this new challenge you should find out where is and some of its geology.

No Schott's Rule this time!

This one should be easy if you're a "special kind of geologist" ;)

Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.

Two interesting things that I realize after picked this spot:
  • The lighter area (in the left) look like the southwestern part of Portugal :)
  • For now, is a 404 - Not found :)

Update 2013.10.12-21.30 (GMT):

My decision is ... both!

  • The broader view:

  •  And some numbers that could help with the geology after you find it!

15          24

Well ... you could use them now ... if you can guess what they mean (none is lat. or long.).

If, at 2013.10.17-00.00 (GMT), this #404 is still active, I publish a (even) broader view and a new (and decisive) number!

segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013

388 Bonus round

Well, it's a bonus WoGE, so ... I've decided for a bonus image.

In this one you have to find 2 locations - united with the same loose geology - and the geologic link between them.

They have the same (+/-) scale but are in different continents.

No Schott rule, no prize, nothing ... just geology! :) 

quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2013

WoGE #388

Thursday, 11 July, 8:00 a.m. (GMT + 0:00)

Well, after 50+ unsuccessful attempts, 2 in a row:)

After considering astronomical observation sites (which proved wrong) I looked around, in volcanic areas, and had some luck in finding the (Patagonian) Auca Mahuida and its oil fields.

For this new challenge you should find out where is, their geology and, in this case, another important detail (but not decisive for the win).

Here it is:

No Schott's Rule this time!

Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.

domingo, 7 de julho de 2013

WoGE #386

My first! :)

After following WoGE since (at least) #330 and after some missed ones (and many more, so hard at first glance, that I didn't even tried), I manage to be the first on #385 - a (hidro)geologic desert scenery (which, before Ole's hint, looked quasi-impossible to me).

So here's #386:

For you, new players to Where on (Google) Earth, simply post a comment with latitude and longitude and write something about the (geologic/geographic/hydrographic) feature in the picture. If you are the first, you get to host the next one.

I don't know if this one is easy or hard but, to give rookies (like myself) a chance, I invoke Schott's Rule: former winners have to wait 1 hour for each WoGE they got right.

Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.